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Unveiling Sysdig Secure Risks and Attack Path Analysis: Visualizing and Prioritizing Cloud Security Risks

While the cloud serves as a powerful accelerator for businesses, it also speeds up threat actors. Automation and an ever-increasing level of sophistication allow threat actors to execute complex attack chains in merely minutes, sometimes even less.The risk factors are amplified by the ability to chain together exploits and quickly move laterally in cloud environments, where a single breach could lead to a business critical compromise.

A Deep Dive into the Exploit Prediction Scoring System EPSS

The Exploit Prediction Scoring System (EPSS) is a data-driven effort for estimating the likelihood (probability) that a software vulnerability will be exploited in the wild. EPSS’s goal is to assist network defenders to better prioritize vulnerability remediation efforts. While other industry standards have been useful for capturing innate characteristics of a vulnerability and provide measures of severity, they are limited in their ability to assess threat. EPSS fills that gap because it uses current threat information from CVE and real-world exploit data.

The Sysdig Cloud Attack Graph - Accelerating Cloud Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP)

Attackers are increasing their focus on the growing cloud playing field as it becomes more lucrative. They are refining their craft to further accelerate attacks with methods like artificial intelligence and automation. Slow response times, limited coverage, and visibility gaps, often exacerbated by inadequate and fragmented tooling, allow attackers to make quick work of vulnerable environments.

Unparalleled Cloud Visibility in Action with Sysdig's Enhanced Searchable Inventory

Discover how Sysdig’s "Improved Inventory" can help you find your way inside your ever-growing cloud infrastructure with minimal effort. With Inventory, navigating the intricate network of your cloud resources becomes not just manageable, but intuitive. It provides a seamless interface that marries comprehensive visibility with dynamic searchability, making it the cornerstone of effective cloud security posture management.

Building a Healthier and More Productive SOC

Security professionals are burning out, and they often aren’t getting enough support from their higher-ups. In fact, Devo and Wakefield Research have found that 45% of IT professionals surveyed felt that their leaders haven’t proactively responded to employee burnout, and 59% wish their leaders would offer additional training, mentorship, and development. Responsibility for tackling this issue lies with InfoSec leaders and their organizations.