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Falcon Platform Raptor Release

The next generation of the CrowdStrike Falcon® platform re-architects the platform using the same technology as CrowdStrike’s Next-Gen SIEM to unlock the future of generative AI and XDR for all. This enables you to perform lightning fast searches to hunt for threats and ingest data from sources from across your entire enterprise to detect sophisticated attacks.

Lessons from an InfoSec Icon: A Fireside Chat with PCI Guru Jeff Hall || Razorthorn Security

Hello and welcome to Razorwire, the podcast where we delve into the world of cybersecurity with top experts and industry leaders. I'm your host, James Rees, and I can't wait to share this episode with you. As a PCI DSS QSA, I’m delighted to have PCI expert Jeff Hall as my guest today. This episode will give you a unique perspective on how security has evolved from early mainframe days to today's interconnected, risk-focused practices. Jeff tells us about his hard-won lessons and wisdom gathered over decades steering information security programmes including the need for compliance to work alongside overall security and not hinder it, and why auditors should be viewed as allies, not adversaries.

Handle secrets like API keys securely in javascript projects with environment variables

In this video we look at how to effectively use the dotenv npm package to securely use secrets like API keys by loading them into your project as environment variables. To do this we first place our secrets in a.env file and the dotenv project will load these in as env variables.

Balancing Ethics and Freedom: The Challenge of Regulating Public Access to Advanced AI like Chat GPT

In an era of rapid technological advancement, the availability of AI systems like Chat GPT to the public raises complex questions about ethics and limitations. Join us as we dive into the challenging debate surrounding the responsible use of this cutting-edge technology. 🤖⚖️ In this thought-provoking video, we explore the need for some rules to prevent the harmful use of AI while respecting the values of free expression. We will examine the difficult task of defining the ethical boundaries of AI systems and the impact of these decisions on our online conversations.

Falcon Cloud Security Enforcing Compliance: Demo Drill Down

The increased use of public cloud infrastructure has resulted in an explosion of cloud misconfigurations and vulnerabilities, resulting in non-compliance within organizations cloud environments. See how CrowdStrike Falcon® Cloud Security provides complete visibility and assessment into your multi-cloud deployments so you can take appropriate actions to enforce compliance.

Beam OSS: Easily Make your Infra Private Using AWS SSM

Beam is an OSS project that simplifies secure access to private infrastructure within non-public VPC environments. It replaces the traditional bastion host approach with AWS Systems Manager (SSM) for access, ensuring better security and user-friendliness, especially in dynamic environments with changing resources and multi-tenancy requirements. Beam eliminates the complexities of configuring SSM access, making it an accessible solution for various applications and environments while maintaining security best practices. Today Beam is available for AWS (SSM) and will expand to Google's Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP).