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Netwrix Auditor for Azure AD - Overview

Netwrix Auditor for Azure AD enables complete visibility into user actions, including user sign-in activity, in your Azure AD deployment. The application provides actionable intelligence about successful and failed sign-in attempts and critical changes to Azure AD users, groups, roles, contacts, applications, devices, licenses and more.

Netwrix Auditor for Windows Server - Overview

Netwrix Auditor for Windows Server delivers complete visibility into Windows-based server infrastructures. It detects and reports on all changes made to server configuration — hardware and software, services, applications, network settings, registry settings, DNS, and more. In addition, it provides event log management and video recording of user activity.

Netwrix Auditor for SharePoint - Overview

Netwrix Auditor for SharePoint empowers you to reduce the exposure of sensitive data and detect suspicious user behavior and policy violations before they result in data leaks or business disruptions. Plus, its ready-to-use intelligence enables you to automate many of the compliance and security-related tasks that until now required hours to complete so you can meet the demands of your organization without constantly being overburdened.

Netwrix Auditor for Exchange - Overview

Netwrix Auditor for Exchange simplifies IT auditing across your Exchange Online and on-premises Exchange environment and provides actionable audit data, all in one place. See who has access to what, monitor non-owner mailbox access events, and track Exchange configuration and permission changes, so you can prevent data breaches, prove IT compliance and ensure ongoing availability of email services.

Netwrix Auditor for Windows File Servers - Overview

Netwrix Auditor for Windows File Servers maximizes visibility into what's going on across Windows file servers by classifying sensitive data and providing actionable audit data about all changes made to files, folders, shares and permissions; and reporting on both successful and failed access attempts. Today, it’s hard to imagine an enterprise that doesn’t rely on file servers to store its data — including valuable and sensitive data. This makes file servers a key target for all sorts of attackers, including both anonymous hackers and disgruntled employees.

GDPR Compliance with Netwrix solutions

Netwrix helps organizations prepare for GDPR compliance audits and ensure the security of the personal data of EU citizens. Learn more at How can you spare yourself tons of stress in audit preparation, avoid being the next GDPR breach headline and keep your customers in the EU? Netwrix can help you secure the data you store about EU citizens, uphold their rights and prove your compliance to auditors.