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Blue Dawn Webinar

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has introduced us to a new era in which anyone can pick up a keyboard and join a cause they see fit. Groups like BlueHornet emerged as a result and caused havoc to anyone they saw as responsible. This reality raises many questions - will wars rise and fall in the decision of hacktivists instead of governments? Are we as a society legitimized this phenomenon, and where do we draw the line?

A Glimpse Into the Dark Web

See this session to understand how the dark web works, who are the individuals who go there and how they conduct business. You will also see how Cyberint conducts complex HUMIT (human intelligence) operations in order to get valuable and actionable information. Presented by Jacob Silutin - Sales Engineer, Cyberint, at Cyber Security Digital Summit - Threat Detection and Response on 22nd February 2022.