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Mapping the MITRE ATT&CK Framework to API Security

API attacks include many of the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) identified in the MITRE ATT&CK framework. This white paper analyzes and maps three common API attack scenarios to the TTPs found in the MITRE Enterprise Matrix. By understanding how the MITRE ATT&CK TTPs relate to API security threats, security leaders can: Download now to learn how to defend against API attacks by leveraging this well-known security framework.

9 Cognitive Biases Hackers Exploit the Most

Hackers have become increasingly savvy at launching specialized attacks that target your users by tapping into their fears, hopes, and biases to get access to their data. Cybersecurity is not just a technological challenge, but increasingly a social and behavioral one. People, no matter their tech savviness, are often duped by social engineer scams, like CEO fraud, because of their familiarity and immediacy factors.

Top ten reasons to achieve Data Access Governance

You've got nearly all the pieces in place - you've implemented enterprise user provisioning, password management and have secured your organization's data. However, most days you still feel that sensitive data, such as IP or customer information, is at risk for a data breach. It's time to let a secure Data Governance strategy protect your sensitive data and reduce risk. Why, you ask? Take a look at this e-Book to learn ten reasons why.

Stop breaches with privileged access security

With the complexity of today's IT landscape and the critical role that privileged access security plays in protecting what's essential to your organization - your people, your applications and your data - it's more important than ever to have an effective privileged access management (PAM) cybersecurity strategy.

The business value of API security

Securing your APIs is no longer a luxury, but it shouldn't be viewed as just a necessary burden either. Protecting your APIs opens the door to real business value including: Download this eBook to explore the business results customers are uncovering as they embark on their API security journey and how to quantify the value of API security in your organization.

The Top 10 Critical Pentest Findings in 2022

We live in a world where nearly everything can connect to the internet. While this is one of the greatest times in technology, it also brings an overwhelming amount of cybersecurity threats and challenges. CISOs and IT teams are pushed to the limits of being able to adequately and quickly protect their customers from emerging cyber threats. Cybercrime continues to increase by 15% year over year; costing the U.S. 6.9 billion just in 2021. By 2025 cybercrime will cost the entire world 10.5 trillion annually.