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Challenges and solutions for securing distributed, remote and hybrid workforces

The world has changed. The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically increased the number of teams that are working with a remote and distributed model. This change is a welcome acceleration of what many feel would have been the eventual outcome of our digital future. With this new model comes a new and changing set of security challenges.

How to Manage Your Security in A Hybrid World: 15 Cybersecurity Tips & Best Practices

The hybrid workplace is here to stay. If the past couple of years have proved anything, it’s that many workers enjoy working remotely, or like the flexibility of working from home part-time. Organizations also appreciate the benefits of a hybrid workplace; according to Gartner, 48% of employees will likely work remotely at least part of the time after COVID-19, as opposed to the 30% of employees who did so before the pandemic.

Don't Leave Dollars on the Table: How to Find and Leverage Federal Funding

By now it’s become clear—hybrid and remote work are here to stay. This goes for employees in the government sector as much as it does for those in other industries. Along with increased flexibility, however, comes increased attack surfaces for security professionals to defend.

How an IT Managed Services Provider Helps Newly Remote Organizations

A Managed Service Provider (MSP) is a valuable resource for meeting fluctuating IT infrastructure needs. According to data from Statista, the value of the IT managed services market is expected to grow to $356.24 billion by 2025. In this article I’ll outline the benefits of an MSP vs in-house IT staff and how an MSP can help your organization transition to a remote workforce.

6 challenges when protecting a distributed workforce

When employees connect to professional networks remotely the cyber-threat level rises. Elements such as the expansion of the security perimeter of organizations when working remotely or the proliferation of threats from COVID-19-related topics have changed the way we understand cybersecurity. But there are other, more specific challenges that make it more difficult for MSPs to protect clients that have a remotely distributed workforce. These 6 challenges are.

The Security Playbook for Remote-first Organizations

The sudden shift to remote work in 2020 exposed companies to a variety of new security challenges that haven’t gone away. Review the seven most crucial areas of security for emerging remote-first organizations. Continue reading below or feel free to download a copy of this playbook. We’ll also include our free Post-COVID Security Checklist as a reference you can keep in your back pocket.

6 challenges when protecting a distributed workforce

When employees connect to professional networks remotely the cyber-threat level rises. Elements such as the expansion of the security perimeter of organizations when working remotely or the proliferation of threats from COVID-19-related topics have changed the way we understand cybersecurity. But there are other, more specific challenges that make it more difficult for MSPs to protect clients that have a remotely distributed workforce. These 6 challenges are.

How to stay creatively inspired while working from home

Creativity can be fickle. One day, your brain is full of bright ideas you’re keen to jot down, develop, and share with others. The next day, you have nothing. Zilch. Not even a flicker of an idea. You suddenly feel like a world-class restaurant that’s run out of ingredients.

Other Ways Remote Work Has Changed Businesses

As the pandemic continues and employees are finding themselves “stuck at home” for the foreseeable future, companies are coming up with new ways to approach overall wellbeing for their employees. Things like breakroom snacks, on-site gyms, and commuting passes are less appealing and don’t make a lot of sense. So, companies are getting creative in the ways they support their employees during remote work. Here are some of our favorite examples.

Predictions 2022: Work-from-anywhere Marks the Beginning of the End of On-premises Security

A decade ago, many were reluctant to move to the cloud. Many felt like they would have to relinquish controls they had within their perimeters. That sentiment has since reversed, where organizations have become more comfortable with cloud technology. The newest concern is about corporate data leaving the cloud, especially as employees expect to work from anywhere. Software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications have enabled people to stay productive from anywhere, but have also amplified security gaps.