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CREST and IASME announce partnership with the NCSC to deliver Cyber Incident Exercising scheme

CREST and IASME are delighted to announce their partnership with the NCSC to help deliver its new Cyber Incident Exercising scheme. The NCSC (National Cyber Security Centre) has created the scheme to help organisations find high quality providers that can advise and support them to effectively practise their cyber incident response plan.

Introducing expanded Role-Based Access Control

Today we’re thrilled to announce that Vanta’s Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) functionality has gotten even stronger with new capabilities, including: ‍ ‍ These expanded RBAC capabilities are now generally available and demonstrate Vanta’s continued commitment to supporting the needs of larger, more advanced organizations through additional customization and flexibility across our platform. ‍

Introducing Jobs-to-be-Done: a way to help our users achieve their goals

As a security practitioner, the scope and responsibilities of your role have likely changed over the last few years. This is likely an accumulation of: But what hasn’t changed? Regardless of any new scope or responsibilities, you still have a set of things you need to accomplish and get done that are the most important to you.

Trustwave Attains Two Microsoft Partner Milestones

Trustwave has achieved two highly sought-after achievements from Microsoft, reaching Microsoft Verified Managed Extended Detection and Response (MXDR) Solution status and becoming a FastTrack Ready Partner for Microsoft 365. These achievements will allow Trustwave to utilize the skills of its elite SpiderLabs team to better secure clients and deeper security solutions and integration with Microsoft Sentinel and Defender.

TrustCloud Business Intelligence Dashboards Empower CISOs to Present Financial Impact of Risk, Security, and Compliance Program to Board of Directors

TrustCloud Business Intelligence helps GRC and Security professionals track and share how their trust program adds efficiency, reduces financial liability and risk, improves security, and drives revenue growth-proving to business leaders that GRC is a profit center.

Unveiling Sysdig Secure Risks and Attack Path Analysis: Visualizing and Prioritizing Cloud Security Risks

While the cloud serves as a powerful accelerator for businesses, it also speeds up threat actors. Automation and an ever-increasing level of sophistication allow threat actors to execute complex attack chains in merely minutes, sometimes even less.The risk factors are amplified by the ability to chain together exploits and quickly move laterally in cloud environments, where a single breach could lead to a business critical compromise.

Revolutionizing big data management: Unveiling the power of Amazon EMR and Elastic integration

In the dynamic realm of data processing, Amazon EMR takes center stage as an AWS-provided big data service, offering a cost-effective conduit for running Apache Spark and a plethora of other open-source applications. While the capabilities of EMR are impressive, the art of vigilant monitoring holds the key to unlocking its full potential. This blog post explains the pivotal role of monitoring Amazon EMR clusters, accentuating the transformative integration with Elastic®.