Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

November 2023

Penetration Testing Software vs. Human Expertise: Finding the Right Balance

Penetration testing remains a crucial element in cybersecurity, providing organizations with the proactive means to identify and address security vulnerabilities long before they become opportunities for malicious actors. More than 75% of businesses perform pen-testing either to maintain their security posture or due to compliance reasons.

Mastering NIST Penetration Testing: Your Essential Guide to Robust Cybersecurity

Securing your organization’s information systems is a top priority in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Organizations face an ongoing battle against cyber threats; penetration testing is a powerful weapon to avoid these risks. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Penetration Testing Framework, known as “nist pen testing,” offers a robust and structured approach to assessing and enhancing cybersecurity defences.

A Comprehensive Guide to Software Penetration Testing

Why do companies spend millions of dollars on security measures only to have their systems compromised by hackers? The answer lies in the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats and the need to improve security practices continuously. One of the most effective ways to stay ahead of these threats is through software penetration testing–a proactive approach to discovering and fixing vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.

Can traditional pen testing keep up with modern AppSec? Ask the pen tester

You have kicked-off your annual application security assessment, but by the time the final report comes in, so have a bunch of new features from your developers. Since your pen test report can’t keep-up with your modern development cycles, it is now (and always) obsolete. You can check-off your compliance checkbox, but you’re not anymore secure than you were before. If this sounds familiar, it is clearly time for an update.

Protecting your Enterprise with Penetration Testing

In the arsenal of cyber security tools available to organizations, the penetration test is a key component. Business applications, and organization infrastructure (operating systems, databases, networks, etc.) all have potential vulnerabilities, many of which are just waiting for threat actors to exploit.

Crest Accredited Penetration Testing Services From Cyphere

Discover the world of CREST-accredited penetration testing services with Cyphere. We offer a wide range of cybersecurity solutions to protect your business, including Network Penetration Testing, Mobile Application Pen Testing, Web Application Penetration Testing, and more. Choose Cyphere as your cybersecurity partner and benefit from our expertise, commitment to compliance excellence, and tailored solutions. We're here to help you stay ahead of evolving threats, meet compliance requirements, and demonstrate your commitment to cybersecurity.