Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

May 2022

Penetration Testing To Prevent API Attack

This blog describes the attack path we have uncovered during a recent penetration test of a web application, coupled with a back-end infrastructure assessment. Throughout we introduce different attack techniques and tools that can be used to attack the underlying infrastructure and APIs of a web application.

Webinar: "I get paid to hack your company and these are the controls I hate most!"

Drawing on over three decades’ experience in penetration testing for global organisations of all sizes, this webinar outlines some of the most common attack methods in use today and shares effective approaches for tackling them. The session on will detail the most effective security controls to prevent and mitigate common types of cyber-attacks.

Understanding pentesting vs an automated hacker-powered tool

Penetration testing is a vulnerability detection mechanism that uses multistep and multivector attack scenarios to find vulnerabilities and attempts to exploit them. While some companies might be continuously pentesting, others don’t at all, this is often due to lacking security culture, budget limitations, or both.

Gartner's top security threat and pentesting vs continuous scans - what you missed from Hack Yourself Stockholm 2021

Included by Gartner in 2021 as a major cybersecurity category and an emerging product, the External Attack Surface Management (EASM) term might be new. Still, the idea behind it is nothing new: identifying risks coming from internet-facing assets that an organization may be unaware of. A few companies, including Detectify, have been highlighting the importance of the attack surface and understanding the potential risks of the constantly-changing environment.

Is your penetration testing weak? Catch hackers at your backdoor with Sumo Logic

If you are an application developer or security analyst, you likely spend a lot of time thinking about your customers’ security. IT operations teams have found many ways to help secure login portals by implementing dual authentication and Single-Sign-On (SSO) portals. Many IT organizations have learned to use SSO and Two Factor Authentication (2FA) to help secure their codebase and employee data. This method is great, assuming that all users are compliant with 2FA.

CIS Control 18 Penetration Testing

Penetration testing is something that more companies and organizations should be considering a necessary expense. I say this because over the years the cost of data breaches and other forms of malicious intrusions and disruptions are getting costlier. Per IBM Security’s “Cost of a Data Breach Report 2021,” the average cost of a breach has increased 10% year over year, with the healthcare sector having the highest cost breaches for 11 consecutive years.