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October 2020

Egnyte Rolls Out New Governance and Compliance Tools for the Remote-work Era

From the beginning, Egnyte was architected so that your content would not have to be “boxed in” to any one single environment, but rather can flow seamlessly up, down, side to side across multiple clouds. There are good reasons for this. Sometimes it makes sense for data to be miles away, while other times it needs to be closer to where users actually are (at the edge), or offline altogether.

Cloud Content Governance: Egnyte's Data Security Framework

Are our systems secure? Is our valuable content safe? These are tough questions to tackle when news headlines regularly bombard us with messages of cyberattacks and security breaches. Centrify, a zero-trust and privileged access management provider, reported that 71 percent of business decision-makers are concerned that the move to remote working creates a significant increase in the risk of cyberattacks.