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September 2020

2020 Data Governance Trends Report: New Risks, New Rewards of Remote Work

In August 2020, Egnyte partnered with Wakefield Research to survey 400 C-Level IT executives from across the U.S.* to understand how the remote work revolution is changing their governance strategies, and what they’re doing to get ahead of this sea change.

The Content Governance Mindset for IT Leaders

We’ve all been subjected to quaint media features that try to make business leaders seem like a joyful walk on the beach. They usually have a title like, “A Day in the Life of the CIO,” and they are laden with tropes that try to make the person relatable (“…and at 9:34 am, I finally get around to drinking that latte I got at Starbucks on the way into work!”), but truly the whole thing is just an annoying ploy to make you feel inadequate.