Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

September 2023

Securing Enterprise Data: Data Loss Prevention for Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, Bard

We're thrilled to introduce our cutting-edge Data Loss Prevention (DLP) tool designed specifically to protect enterprise data when using Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, Bard. Data security in corporate settings is more critical than ever, and with the rise of LLMs, new challenges emerge. Join us as we unveil our innovative DLP solution tailored to the unique demands of LLM-powered applications. Explore how our tool can identify and mitigate data breaches, ensuring your company's sensitive information remains confidential.

How To Discover PII and Privacy Vulnerabilities in Structured Data Sources

In this video, we walk through the process of discovering personally identifiable information (PII) and identifying potential privacy vulnerabilities within structured data sources. First, you will connect Protecto to your data repository. Then, we will show you how to access the Privacy Risk Data within your data assets catalog, obtain information on active users, access privileges, data owners, and recommendations for dealing with privacy risks.