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July 2023

RAM dump: Understanding its importance and the process

In the realm of digital forensics and incident response, the analysis of volatile memory, commonly referred to as RAM (Random Access Memory), plays a pivotal role in extracting crucial evidence and uncovering valuable information. RAM dump - the process of capturing the contents of a computer's memory, is a vital step in preserving volatile data for forensic examination.

Mobile Device Management: Securing the modern workplace

More mobile devices, more problems. The business landscape has shifted dramatically, as more endpoints connect to corporate networks from a wider variety of locations and are transmitting massive amounts of data. Economic forces and a lengthy pandemic have caused a decentralization of the workforce and increased adoption of a hybrid workplace model. Today, employees are more mobile than ever.

What your peers want to know before buying a DLP tool

Preventing data loss is a concern for almost every organization, regardless of size, especially organizations with sensitive data. Organizations, now more than ever before, rely on voluminous amounts of data to conduct business. When data leakage or a breach occurs, the organization is forced to deal with the negative consequences, such as the high cost associated with data breach fines and remediation and reputational harm to their company and brand.

How to improve employee phishing awareness

Social engineering has long been a popular tactic among cybercriminals. Relying exclusively on information security tools does not guarantee the safety of an IT infrastructure these days. It is critically important to enhance the knowledge of employees regarding information security threats. Specifically, there is often a pressing need to educate employees about phishing. But how could phishing awareness training go wrong, and what can be done about it?

Ransomware business model-What is it and how to break it?

The threat of ransomware attacks continues to strike organizations, government institutions, individuals, and businesses across the globe. These attacks have skyrocketed in frequency and sophistication, leaving a trail of disrupted operations, financial loss, and compromised data. Statistics reveal that there will be a new ransomware attack after every two seconds by 2031 while the companies lose between $1 and $10 million because of these attacks.

Artificial Intelligence Governance Professional Certification - AIGP

For anyone who follows industry trends and related news I am certain you have been absolutely inundated by the torrent of articles and headlines about ChatGPT, Google’s Bard, and AI in general. Let me apologize up front for adding yet another article to the pile. I promise this one is worth a read, especially for anyone looking for ways to safely, securely, and ethically begin introducing AI to their business.

The human element of Cybersecurity: Nurturing a cyber-aware culture to defend against social engineering attacks

As organizations across every sector come to rely more and more heavily on digital data storage, digital work platforms, and digital communications, cyber attacks are becoming increasingly common. Enterprising cyber attackers see opportunities abound with the widespread digital transformation across industries. Social engineering cyber attacks present a particularly potent threat to organizations.

Stories from the SOC: OneNote MalSpam - Detection & response

Since December 22nd, 2022, there has been an increase in malware sent via Phishing emails via a OneNote attachment. As with most phishing emails, the end user would open the OneNote attachment but unlike Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel, OneNote does not support macros. This is how threat actors previously launched scripts to install malware.

Get the AT&T Cybersecurity Insights Report: Focus on Healthcare

We’re pleased to announce the availability of the 2023 AT&T Cybersecurity Insights™ Report: Focus on Healthcare. It looks at the edge ecosystem, surveying healthcare IT leaders from around the world, and provides benchmarks for assessing your edge computing plans. This is the 12th edition of our vendor-neutral and forward-looking report.

How social media compromises information security

Today’s companies operate in a complex security environment. On the one hand, the threat landscape is growing. Bad actors are becoming more and more refined as they get access to new tools (like AI) and offerings (like hacking-as-a-service). On the other hand, companies are dealing with more sensitive data than ever before. This has prompted consumers and regulators alike to demand for better security practices.

Unveiling the secrets: Exploring whitespace steganography for secure communication

In the realm of data security, there exists a captivating technique known as whitespace steganography. Unlike traditional methods of encryption, whitespace steganography allows for the hiding of sensitive information within whitespace characters, such as spaces, tabs, and line breaks.

What is an incident response plan (IRP) and how effective is your incident response posture?

As everyone looks about, sirens begin to sound, creating a sense of urgency; they only have a split second to determine what to do next. The announcer repeats himself over the loudspeaker in short bursts... This is not a drill; report to your individual formations and proceed to the allocated zone by following the numbers on your squad leader's red cap. I take a breather and contemplate whether this is an evacuation. What underlying danger is entering our daily activities? 1…2….3….

ChatGPT, the new rubber duck

Whether you are new to the world of IT or an experienced developer, you may have heard of the debugging concept of the 'programmer's rubber duck’. For the uninitiated, the basic concept is that by speaking to an inanimate object (e.g., a rubber duck) and explaining one’s code or the problem you are facing as if you were teaching it, you can solve whatever roadblock you’ve hit.

Navigating the Cyber Insurance landscape as a Gen Z digital citizen

In the modern world, cybersecurity and cyber insurance go hand in hand. As we head into the future and the presence of AI in every part of your life grows, so will the responsibilities that need to be taken to ensure security and peace of mind regarding your data and personally identifiable information. As the relatively new cyber insurance industry gets on its feet, it will become more accessible to everyday life, and that trend is already emerging.

What is the difference between incident response & threat hunting?

When it comes to protecting data in an evolving threat landscape, two common strategies are at the forefront: incident response and threat hunting. While both processes can safeguard an organization's data, their approaches, objectives, and execution differ significantly. Understanding the differences between the two strategies is critical for organizations aiming to.

With new aerospace Cybersecurity rules set to land - What's the standard for operators?

Following a push for greater cybersecurity capability across the federal structure, new rules are on the way in the aerospace sector. According to the Washington Post, these rules will push liability on airport operators - even smaller enterprises - and demand sophisticated tracking and protection of flight data in the traffic control and data centers of airports nationally.