The SecOps Cloud Platform for Managed Security Service Providers

The SecOps Cloud Platform for Managed Security Service Providers

A hosted panel discussion with industry leaders to explore what advantages the SecOps Cloud Platform confers for Managed Security Service Providers.

The panel is moderated by LimaCharlie Co-founder, Christopher Luft. The panel participants are:

Co-founder at Soteria, Paul Ihme
Co-founder/CTO at Horangi Security, Lee Sult

What is the SecOps Cloud Platform?

The SecOps Cloud Platform is a construct for delivering the core components needed to secure and monitor any given organization: things like, deploying endpoint capabilities through a single agent regardless of the technology, alerting and correlating from logs regardless of the source, automating analysis and response regardless of the environment.

The SecOps Cloud Platform is:

An environment where many solutions can exist, not as a collection of random tools, but as a series of cybersecurity solutions designed to interoperate in an un-opinionated way, from the ground up; where powerful systems can be put in place at incredible speeds.
An environment fundamentally open through APIs, documentation, integrability, affordability; making it a neutral space for all cybersecurity professionals, whether they’re in enterprise, services or vendors to build appropriate solutions.