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Code Signing with Azure Key Vault: Create a Key Vault, Generate CSR and Import Certificate

In today’s digital landscape, where data security is paramount, protecting your private keys, generating certificates, and managing secure connections is crucial. Microsoft Azure KeyVault offers a robust and reliable solution for handling these critical security aspects. Follow the Video to Manage your Keys and Code Signing Certificates on Microsoft Azure KeyVault. You can Buy Code Signing Certificates for Azure Key Vault to Digitally Sign your Executables and Packages.

How to Generate CSR and Key Attestation using YubiKey Manager for Code Signing Certificates

Want an additional layer of security for your software or app? YubiKey is a hardware that offers safe authentication and encryption for creating and authenticating private keys. Private keys generated by YubiKey devices may be secured such that they never leave the device, making them impenetrable to hackers. Due to New CA/B, If you are using an existing token such as YubiKey (FIPS Series), then here is the quick and easy guide that will help you to generate private key, CSR and Attestation Certificate in YubiKey using YubiKey Manage.

How to Sign .EXE File Using YubiKey Manager? - Detailed Guide from

Learn how to sign windows executables using YubiKey! Whenever you are individual software developer or a organization needs to publish software, code signing gets performed. It helps to build a trustworthy relationship with end-users, as signed software eliminates Unknown Publisher Warnings. According to new CA/Browser policies, every certificate owner needs to store the private key in a hardware token. And the token must align with FIPS standards. Otherwise, the certificate will not get issued.

Sectigo Code Signing Solutions - Digitally Sign your Software / Application

Let your customers give authentication to assure customers that the file they are downloading is from the publisher that can be trusted. This is especially important for publishers who distribute their software through third-party download sites, which they may have no control over.