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Kojensi: Military-grade Sensitive & Classified Information Sharing Platform

Kojensi from archTIS is a highly secure, multi-level security platform for the secure sharing and collaboration of sensitive and classified files. By taking a data-centric, zero trust security approach, a file’s attributes such as security classification, organisation and country releasability, determine who is able to access, edit and download the file. Kojensi users can create, co-author and share documents in real-time, all in a secure and intuitive platform that ensure sensitive information remains need to know only.

NC Protect: Advanced Data Protection for Govt, Defense & Supply Chain in Microsoft 365 Applications

Empower your organization to take advantage of all the productivity and collaboration the Microsoft suite has to offer with meeting regulations including NIST, CMMC, and ITAR for information security. archTIS’ zero trust attribute-based access control (ABAC) powered information security solutions for public sector enhance native security capabilities to empower secure collaboration within your agency, with other agencies, defense, multinational coalitions and supply chain partners.

What is Attribute Based Access Control or ABAC?

The complete portfolio of archTIS solutions, including NC Protect and Kojensi, leverage a data-centric, attribute-based access control (ABAC) methodology to ensure the highest levels of data protection. Watch this video to learn about the advantages of using ABAC-enabled access and data protection policies to safeguard sensitive data.

NC Protect advanced data protection for secure government, defense & supply chain collaboration

Empower your agency to take advantage of all the productivity and collaboration capabilities the Microsoft 365, Teams and SharePoint Server have to offer with zero trust ABAC powered information security from NC Protect.

NC Protect for Microsoft Teams

NC Protect offers a simpler, faster and scalable way to ensure secure collaboration in Teams. NC Protect dynamically adjusts access to and protection of chats, channels and files shared in Teams based on user and file attributes to control what users can see, how they can share information and with whom. Get granular security with less time and effort.

SharePoint and Office 365 compliance & data classification with cp.Discover

Discover, Classify, and Protect your most Sensitive data. Find critical data in local and remote file shares such as Microsoft SharePoint, Office 365, AWS or Azure and create custom sensitive data rules to locate and classify intellectual property and other sensitive data specific to your business.

NC Protect for Teams Simplified Security and Access Provisioning Demo

NC Protect offers a simpler, faster and scalable way to ensure secure collaboration in Teams. NC Protect dynamically adjusts access to and protection of chats, channels and files shared in Teams based on user and file attributes to control what users can see, how they can share information and with whom. Get granular security with less time and effort.

NC Protect for Microsoft 365 and SharePoint Advanced Information Protection & Compliance

Organizations have sensitive data spread across on-premises and cloud based platforms. This present a major challenge for IT to ensure data integrity and security. NC Protect is both content and context aware to automatically find, classify and secure unstructured data on-premises, in the cloud and in hybrid environments.