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Four Ways to Secure Identities as Privilege Evolves

Any user can become privileged in certain conditions. This includes everyday employees using business applications in which they can access - and take actions with - the resources attackers aim to exploit. And whether you're a CIO or a PAM admin, you likely see this evolution of privilege occurring regularly. Protecting your users' identities - from securing authentication to granting, certifying and revoking access - is essential. But it's not easy, as the users and apps requiring protection grow in number and scope. So how can your team rise to this challenge?

Identity Security for Dummies

With perimeter-focused architectures quickly becoming irrelevant, enterprises are looking toward identity-focused security measures to protect new "perimeterless" networks and new forms of working. Identity Security for Dummies is a primer on securing digital identities across the enterprise. This conversational book is written for technical and business stakeholders alike with plenty of examples, analogies and elements designed to make this security topic more approachable.

Privileged Access Management as a Service For Dummies

A quick read for actionable tips, technical insight and best practices. Privileged access represents one of the largest security vulnerabilities in today's digital landscape. Privileged accounts, credentials and secrets are everywhere throughout your IT infrastructure: on-premises, across multi-cloud and hybrid environments, in applications, on endpoints and in DevOps pipeline. Most security breaches involve a stolen privileged credential. That's why Privileged Access Management (PAM) is a critical part of any cyber security program.

Securing The Enterprise's Cloud Assets on Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Regardless of where enterprises are in their cloud journey, CyberArk's goal is to enable enterprises to protect their assets in AWS by providing powerful solutions for securing privileged access at each stage of their journey. Download this white paper to learn how CyberArk Identity Security solutions can be deployed with CyberArk's automation capabilities and used to proactively protect privileged access and detect threats in real-time in AWS environments.

Getting Ready for NIS2 - Why Identity Security is Key to Preparing for Compliance Updates

In January 2023, EU member states formally enacted a revision of the 2016 Network and Information Systems (NIS) Directive. Conceived in response to several widely publicized and damaging cyberattacks, the NIS2 Directive strengthens security requirements, streamlines reporting obligations and introduces more stringent supervisory measures and stricter enforcement requirements. This paper provides a brief introduction to NIS2 and explains how it might affect your business and how you can prepare.

Securing Non-human Identities and Managing Secrets in Multi-cloud Environments

Cloud migration and digital transformation have led to an explosion of non-human identities that need to be secured across multiple cloud and hybrid environments. And more identities mean more secrets that need to be secured, rotated and managed. That's where SaaS-based secrets management can help. In this eBook, you'll learn about: Want to learn more about SaaS-based secrets management? Schedule a meeting to speak to one of our experts today!