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Modern Application Development Security

"Shift left" has become the holy grail for security teams today but organizations are still struggling to successfully implement some of the key processes that shifting security left entails. A new study sponsored by Snyk and conducted by Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) has found that while developers are indeed being given more responsibility for testing their applications for security issues, they simply don't have the knowledge or right set of tools to do so.

2020 Gartner Market Guide for Software Composition Analysis

The 2020 Gartner Market Guide for SCA is here! Recent Gartner survey finds that over 90% of organizations leverage OSS in application development - and as a result, security of open source packages was the highest ranked concern for respondents. These concerns have led to a growing market, addressed by various vendors for SCA tools that mitigate the risk of OSS. New trends emerge with devops on the rise - as the market shifts towards developer-friendly SCA tools.