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August 2023

Creating a better internet at IETF117

The other week in San Francisco at IETF117, a group of developers and subject matter experts gathered to do just that. The IETF mission is: “To make the internet work better by producing high quality, relevant technical documents that influence the way people design, use, and manage the internet.” This standards body is quite unique – anyone with the right passion can join. Believe it or not, humming is a measure of consensus.

C2PA, external manifests, and expanding content provenance

Last month, Adobe’s Chief Trust Officer Dana Rao testified to Congress about the importance of content provenance, encouraging Congress to require platforms to maintain proof of origin for content, ensuring that “attributions are not stripped away, and artists can receive credit for their work.” Following Rao’s testimony, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and other AI leaders met at the White House to voluntarily agree to “ Develop and deploy mechanisms that enable users to under