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June 2022

What is the Importance of Internal Controls in Corporate Governance Mechanisms?

At the core of business management are the rules, practices and processes that define how your organization is directed, operated and controlled. This system, known as corporate governance, is aimed at creating more ethical business practices by aligning the interest of your organization’s stakeholders. In today’s business environment, the more ethical-and transparent-your organization is about its corporate governance practices, the more financially viable it will be.

What is Operational Security & Why is it Important?

Protecting your organization against security incidents is easy enough in theory, but many businesses struggle to find the right approach when it comes to their cybersecurity. As the digital transformation takes hold of the modern business environment, implementing safeguards to your organization’s critical information is only going to become more critical for survival-and if you aren’t doing so already, it’s time for your organization to take proactive protective measures.

7 Best Practices for Data Loss Prevention

Most organizations have at least one thing in common: every year, they’re generating and consuming more and more data. Dealing with all this data can be overwhelming, and especially so for those organizations that haven’t fully embraced the digital transformation and the cultural shifts that come along with it. As your data grows, so too does the risk that your data will be exposed to unauthorized parties in a security incident called a data breach or a data leak.

10 Common Types of Digital Risks

Organizations across all industries are becoming more reliant on digital technology to get the job done. In this era of digital transformation, technologies such as the internet of things (IoT), social media, machine learning (ML) big data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality exist to help organizations realize their strategic business objectives.

Top Risk Analysis Tools

For many years and across industries, enterprise risk management (ERM) has always been an important part of any successful business operation. Organizations of all types and sizes face a number of external and internal factors that make it uncertain whether they will achieve their goals; ERM can bring that uncertainty to lower levels. Understanding the risks to your organization can help you make better decisions about how to reduce those risks; that’s where risk management comes in.

Here's Why Regulatory Compliance is Important

You don’t have to jump through endless hoops to achieve regulatory compliance. By finding an easy way to comply with the right laws, regulations, and industry standards, regulatory compliance can offer several benefits for companies. Specific compliance requirements vary by industry and country. But in general, implementing regulatory compliance is a mandatory requirement for every sector and every company in countries with a robust business and economic landscape.

Operational Risk Management: More Than Just Cybersecurity

In an ideal world, every organization would operate at peak capacity, have perfectly efficient operations, and never experience system failures, cyberattacks, or fraud. In the real world, however, it’s impossible to avoid such adverse events completely. Every organization faces problems due to weak business processes, system downtime, human error, and cybersecurity attacks. Businesses can, however, manage and mitigate the risks that lead to such events, to keep your business functional and viable.

Top 5 Risks Affecting the Healthcare Industry

Cybersecurity is a constant, serious threat to the healthcare industry. Unfortunately, however, the risks to cybersecurity and data security in healthcare are only one part of the larger risk management puzzle for healthcare organizations. Infections, alarm fatigue, telemedicine, and a lack of emergency preparedness also pose severe threats in healthcare. To minimize exposure, healthcare organizations require a comprehensive risk management program.

Reciprocity Wins Coveted Global InfoSec Awards during RSA Conference 2022

Last year was a record year for cybersecurity attacks, with the number of encrypted threats spiking by 167% (10.4 million attacks), ransomware attacks rising by 105% (623.3 million attacks), and intrusion attempts increasing by 11% (5.3 trillion).** Risk management is a fundamental principle of cybersecurity, which is why we are so excited to share that Reciprocity has won two Cyber Defense Global InfoSec Awards from Cyber Defense Magazine (CDM): the Hot Company – Risk Management award and the Cutti