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May 2023

INETCO's Ali Solehdin Talks EBT Fraud Prevention and AI with The Center Square

Scott McClallen – Staff Reporter – The Center Square (The Center Square) – Nationwide, electronic benefits transfer fraud is estimated to cost taxpayers up to $4.7 billion annually, according to the Government Accountability Office. In 2022, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program distributed over $113.7 billion to nearly 22 million households. The federal government entrusts states to reduce fraud in safety net programs. In March, the U.S.

How to Keep Customers Happy by Reducing False Declines

For many financial institutions and retail businesses, there is a need to balance the risks associated with payment fraud and advanced persistent threats against the economic imperative to provide excellent customer experiences in a competitive market. When good users are mistakenly flagged as fraudsters and can’t access payment services, customers get angry and brands lose revenue. These false declines result in lost customers, damaged reputation and lower revenue.