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December 2022

Amazon EFS Backup and Restore for Amazon EKS

Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) is a simple, scalable and fully managed file storage service to support the storage and throughput needs of your Kubernetes applications. Amazon EFS is designed to be highly available and durable, however your EFS data can still be prone to data loss, data corruption, and have compliance issues. Amazon EFS Backup and Restore of data helps protect against data loss due to hardware failures, accidental deletion, ransomware attacks, or other types of disasters.

Cluster Autoscaling During Kubernetes Backup and Recovery

Companies often see seasonal business spikes with periods of increased on-line demand or activity. To meet the changing application demands, Kubernetes has become the platform of choice to automatically scale web applications and infrastructure up and down. Autoscaling in Kubernetes adjusts the resources that are available to run the application or service, while minimizing the cost of those resources.

Backup and Restore of MySQL Database in a Kubernetes Environment

MySQL database is one of the most popular open-source relational database management systems, and it is a top choice for some of the world’s favorite websites and web applications including YouTube, Twitter, and WordPress. Handling so much data and protecting it is incredibly important to organizations.