Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

January 2023

CTO Talk: ChatGPT vs GuardGPT. Generative AI in the context of cybersecurity.

In 2022, generative AI has gone mainstream, but what many don’t know is that generative models can also have a dark side, they have given rise to a new breed of cyber attacks. These attacks exploit the defining property of generative models—their ability to generate plausible new examples of some type of data, to synthesize passwords or fingerprints to break authentication, to masquerade malware as harmless software to avoid detection, and much more.

LogSentinel`s 2022 Year in Review

Last year brought us many challenges in the cybersecurity aspect. The malicious actors become more sophisticated, and the breaches are more aggressive. The role of cybersecurity solutions has become more apparent. LogSentinel understood the need for cybersecurity solutions for all types of organizations. SMEs are a regular target for hackers due to the lack of cybersecurity specialists and tools that can manage the security of the organization.