Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

December 2022

Cybersquatting - Preventing, Detecting, and Responding To It

Cybersquatting, or domain squatting, is registering, trafficking in, or using an internet domain name solely with the bad faith intent of profiting from the goodwill generated by a trademark that belongs to someone else. It refers to a bad faith abusive registration of a domain name in violation of someone else’s trademark rights.

Cyberint Mentioned in Three 2022 Gartner Reports

We are proud to announce that Cyberint has been named a Sample Vendor in the ‘Hype Cycle for Security Operations, 2022’ under three categories: Digital Risk Protection Services; External Attack Surface Management and Threat Intelligence Products & Services. Cyberint has also been named in 2022 Gartner reports ‘Emerging Tech Impact Radar: Security’ and ‘Emerging Tech: Adoption Growth Insights in Digital Risk Protection Services’.

Phishing Attacks: A Summary of Phishing In All Its Forms

A phishing attack is a fraudulent email pretending to be from a safe, familiar, or reliable source intended to induce the email recipient to reveal personal information such as financial information, personally identifiable information (PII), Passwords, or credit and bank account numbers to the writer.