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March 2023

API security: the new security battleground

Regardless of the techniques used, going big, expensive, and glossy – while potentially useful - doesn’t replace the need for a well-reasoned approach to securing assets founded on traditional activities and principles. Innumerable assets are housed behind APIs, and the widespread use of APIs means they are high-profile targets. Securing them is of the utmost importance.

Dridex malware, the banking trojan

Dridex, also known as Cridex or Bugat, is a banking Trojan that has been active since 2011. The malware is primarily used to steal sensitive information, such as login credentials and financial information, from victims. Dridex is known for its ability to evade detection by using dynamic configuration files and hiding its servers behind proxy layers.

How often should security audits be?

In today’s digital world, it’s no surprise that cyberattacks are becoming more frequent and intense. Enterprises worldwide are trying to defend themselves against attacks such as ransomware, phishing, distributed denial of service and more. In this challenging cybersecurity landscape, now is the time for companies to prioritize security audits. What are cybersecurity audits and how often should they be to remain safe in the threatening IT world?

How CIAM safely orchestrates your customers' journey and its benefits

Customers’ willingness to give you their personal data begins with the experience they receive. Convincing them requires the right tone, an outlook of what they’ll get in return, and most importantly, a high level of trust. But while companies depend on customer data to unlock growth, user-centric data collection can be tricky. 43% of U.S.

FTC extends deadline by six months for compliance with some changes to financial data security rules

In a highly connected, internet-powered world, transactions take place online, in person, and even somewhere in between. Given the frequency of digital information exchange on our devices, including smartphones and smart home gadgets, cybersecurity has never been more important for protecting sensitive customer information. In response, the US Federal Trade Commission has rolled out updated measures to ensure that customers’ details are fully protected.

Italian agency warns ransomware targets known VMware vulnerability

News broke in early February that the ACN, Italy’s National Cybersecurity Agency, issued a warning regarding a VMware vulnerability discovered two years ago. Many organizations hadn’t yet patched the issue and became the victims of a new ransomware called ZCryptor. The malicious software wreaked havoc on Italian and European businesses by encrypting users’ files and demanding payment for the data to be unencrypted.

10 Ways B2B companies can improve mobile security

Mobile security refers to the technologies and processes that are used to protect mobile devices from malicious attacks, data breaches, and other forms of cybercrime. It also includes measures taken to safeguard personal information stored on these devices, as well as protecting them from physical damage or theft. Mobile security is becoming increasingly important due to the rapid proliferation of smartphones and tablets being used for business purposes around the world.

Broken Object Level Authorization: API security's worst enemy

According to the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP, 2019), broken object-level authorization (BOLA) is the most significant vulnerability confronting modern application programming interfaces (APIs). It can be exciting to pursue innovations in the API area, but while doing so, programmers must ensure that they are adequately attentive to security concerns and that they develop protocols that can address such concerns.

Insights from an external incident response team: Strategies to reduce the impact of cybersecurity attacks

"Why are you here if you cannot decrypt our data?" This is how people sometimes react to the arrival of the external incident response team. In this article, I will try to answer this question, but at the same time, I am going to describe the stages of incident response, list the main mistakes that play into the hands of hackers, and give basic advice on how to respond.

Guiding publications for US strategy on Quantum Information Science (QIS)

In 1999, the United States began to shape its QIS strategy. The first document on file is a Scientific and Technical Report (STR) entitled: “Quantum Information Science. An Emerging Field of Interdisciplinary Research and Education in Science and Engineering.” This is the first report of an assortment of publications that help establish the US QIS strategy. To date, 55 publications contribute to the overall US strategy to advance QIS and quantum applications.

An assessment of ransomware distribution on darknet markets

Ransomware is a form of malicious software (malware) that restricts access to computer files, systems, or networks until a ransom is paid. In essence, an offender creates or purchases ransomware, then uses it to infect the target system. Ransomware is distributed in several ways including, but not limited to, malicious website links, infected USB drives, and phishing emails. Once infected, the offender encrypts the device and demands payment for the decryption key.

What is firewall optimization?

Firewall optimization (also known as firewall analysis) is the process of analyzing and adjusting the configuration and policy set of a firewall to improve performance and security. This process involves reviewing and corelating log data and device configurations, identifying potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses, and providing recommendations for remediation. Performing these processes is complex, which is why tools like firewall analyzers are useful.

8 Common Cybersecurity issues when purchasing real estate online: and how to handle them

More and more, people are completing the entire real estate transaction process online. From searching for properties to signing documents, online convenience can make the process easier and more efficient. However, with all of this activity taking place on the internet, it is important to be aware of the potential security risks that come along with it.

Third party Cybersecurity risks in securing the supply chain

Some of the biggest prevailing challenges in the cybersecurity world over the last year have been those revolving around securing the software supply chain across the enterprise. The software that enterprises build for internal use and external consumption by their customers is increasingly made up of third-party components and code that can put applications at risk if they aren't properly secured.