Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

November 2022

Thwarting the Naughty, Protecting the Nice

Smart retailers are checking their cybersecurity lists twice to be sure they’re protecting the biggest attack vector of the season: the APIs that allow consumer apps to communicate with their e-commerce sites. What’s at risk and how can you protect yourself? This holiday season, more than half of U.S. consumers (57%) are expected to purchase gifts online to the collective tune of $235.86 billion. For retailers, that would put receipts at a welcome 15.5% higher than those in 2021.

Automatically Scan Your External API Attack Surface

Noname Recon is the easiest way to secure your APIs. Simulate attacker reconnaissance to rapidly find and fix issues without any integrations, installations, or implementations. Eliminate blindspots and find critical issues including API keys and credentials leakages, API code & schema exposure, API infrastructure misconfigurations, and other vulnerabilities in documentation, public resources, and more”.

Introducing Recon to Stay Ahead of Attackers

API security can feel impossible to master. That's because you need to know how many APIs you have, the types of data they touch, how to keep them safe from attacks, and how to test them for misconfigurations and vulnerabilities. All while keeping an accelerated pace for development and deployment. However, even when all those bases are checked, you can still be vulnerable to cyber attacks. How exactly?

Noname Security builds scalable and cost effective API security solution

Noname API security optimized for greater performance and lower business costs with 3rd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors Today, I’m thrilled to announce that Noname Security has collaborated with Intel to build the most scalable and cost-effective API security solution. Through its work with Intel, Noname has optimized its AI/ML operations by over 30% on the 3rd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor.