Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

April 2022

Reduce risks of data breaches throughout your development lifecycle with the new Bearer GitHub Action

Bearer is a Static Application Security Testing (SAST) tool that enables security and engineering teams to identify and mitigate data security risks throughout the software development lifecycle. It integrates with Source Code Management (SCM) software (see Git repository integrations for more details) to scan your code repositories, discover and classify data flows, and detect gaps with your data security policy.

Automate data discovery & classification with Bearer

Data leaks and breaches lead to business risks such as regulatory fines, brand damage and revenue loss. In order to protect your organization against it, you must implement security policies that describe your data taxonomy as well as the security controls for each category of data. From there, you can uncover and classify data flows across your products, audit security controls, identify gaps with your security policy, and remediate issues.

Tips for using tree sitter queries

When it comes to use cases like quick code formatting and syntax highlighting across many languages, tree-sitter is an excellent tool. But it does so much more than that. At Bearer, we use it as the base for our static code analysis feature. In this article we’ll look at tree sitter, how to use it, and how to avoid some of mistakes we made when implementing it. This should help you in making the decision if tree sitter is a good choice for your use case.