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January 2023

How to Reduce Insider Threat Risks in a Hybrid Office: 10 Best Practices

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way we work forever. Although some part of the workforce returned to the office as soon as restrictions loosened, many employees wish to continue working remotely. According to data from Gartner, 60% of knowledge workers are remote, with at least 18% not planning to return to the office anytime soon. A hybrid office is a great option for both types of workers.

Reducing the Risk of Insider Threats among New Employees

New hires bring fresh ideas and unique skills but can also pose a threat. They can endanger your organization’s sensitive data and IT systems due to carelessness, lack of cybersecurity awareness, or malicious intent. The potential insider threats stemming from new employees are especially concerning for large organizations with a high flow of personnel who may find it challenging to thoroughly monitor and supervise all new hires security-wise.

Role-based Access Control vs Attribute-based Access Control: Which to Choose

Access control is a fundamental element of your organization’s security infrastructure. Every security officer wants to apply the principle of least privilege, implement a zero trust architecture, segregate user duties, and adopt other access control best practices without harming the company’s workflow. There are several approaches to implementing an access management system in your organization.