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July 2021

Mitigating Insider Threats: Plan Your Actions in Advance

For any organization, insider attacks are like a severe illness: prevention is better than the cure. Like illnesses, insiders mask their malicious actions and can harm your organization for a long time before you detect them. This harm can be in the form of a loss of data, customers, money, etc.   Planning a risk mitigation process helps to stop insider attacks at the early stages or reduce their potential damage.

7 Best Practices for Building a Baseline of User Behavior in Organizations

Securing an organization’s sensitive data is hard, especially when the danger comes from within. A careless coworker may insecurely share credentials, an intruder may compromise an account, or a malicious insider may misuse their access rights. According to the 2020 Cost of Insider Threats Report [PDF] by IBM, 60% of organizations experienced more than 20 insider-related incidents in 2019. One promising solution to prevent insider threats is user and entity behavior analytics (UEBA).