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March 2020

How to Monitor Employees at Work: 7 Best Practices

With the number of insider-related breaches rising every year, employee monitoring is becoming a common practice. Modern employee monitoring solutions help businesses track their employees’ productivity and work attendance, minimize administrative work, and enhance cybersecurity. In this article, we discuss why you should monitor your office staff, list the benefits and shortcomings of doing so, and explore best practices for monitoring your employees efficiently yet respectfully.

Remote Employee Monitoring: How to Make Remote Work Effective and Secure

Cybersecurity specialists treat remote employees as a threat, and they’re right to do so. However, remote work isn’t a temporary trend — it’s here to stay. Between 2017 and 2018, 36 million (or 25%) of US employees sometimes worked at home according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. For lots of specialists, the ability to work outside the office is an important benefit when choosing an employer.