Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

June 2022

Remove the Zero Trust onboard headache with this new domain discovery tool

In this new world of hybrid work where users, data, and applications are everywhere, there has been an increased reliance on web-based applications and for good reason. Web apps allow greater accessibility, flexibility, and scalability of resources for users requiring access from anywhere. While web applications are great, IT teams oftentimes encounter onboarding issues, specifically around discovering unidentified domains, and easily defining new policies for those discovered resources.

Digital Experience Monitoring In the Age of Distributed Work

“Why is Exchange so slow? I’ve checked everything in the O365 administration portal. The MTAs, the DB and the service are green. It must be networking! Can you check the network? I am sending the ticket to you!” The company I worked at previously was an early customer of the Exchange O365. And the company ran on email. Every message, file, PowerPoint and design document was sent via email. If email was not working, the company ground to a halt.

Bringing Elegance to Secure Connectivity | Atmos by Axis

The modern workplace of today is an orchestra composed of users, devices, applications, and clouds - each playing their own tune, and constantly syncing, and changing. This orchestra is difficult to secure, challenging to see, complex, and extends far beyond the confines of the corporate network. It requires a solution designed to harmonize workplace connectivity.