Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

March 2022

Things to Ask Your SSE Vendor: Episode 4: Can You Securely Connect to AS400 via Agent and Agentless?

Not every application running in your environment will be a "modern" one. Many companies still use crown-jewel applications like AS400. The best SSE platforms can use zero trust network access (ZTNA) to securely access AS400 - not only when an agent is deployed on the device, but also through an agent-less RDP session as well. Can your SSE vendor do that?

Things to Ask Your SSE Vendor: Episode 3: How Easy Is Multi-Tenancy?

In this demo learn why it’s important for your SSE vendor to run on a modern cloud backbone (AWS Global Accelerator, GCP and Oracle Cloud etc.), with modern containers on top of them. You’ll be able to easily set up new tenants during an M&A or divestiture, easily set up tenants for third-party users, and allow DevOps teams to manage their own environment, in isolation. For end users, you’ll be able deliver a better user experience and improve performance while doing so.