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February 2022

How to Prepare for The Evolving Threat of Ransomware

Last week, when Russia advanced past Ukrainian borders we began to hear about the coordinated, hybrid attacks – spanning both cyber warfare and physical warfare – that lead up to the event. Phishing emails sent to the State Administration of Seaports of Ukraine sent earlier in February as a sort of advanced attack against Ukrainian ports. A new data wiper malware installed on hundreds of machines across Ukraine – reported within hours of Russia invading.

Things to Ask Your SSE Vendor: Episode 2: Does the ZTNA service offer DLP for private apps?

When it comes to private apps, data protection is critical. In this video see how SSE can be used to prevent employees and third-parties from downloading data, without the need for separate remote browser isolation technologies. Get ready to ask your vendor about their ability to protect private data from getting into the wrong hands.

Things to Ask Your SSE Vendor: Episode 2: Can You Securely Connect to AS400 via Agent and Agentless?

Not every application running in your environment will be a "modern" one. Many companies still use crown-jewel applications like AS400. The best SSE platforms can use zero trust network access (ZTNA) to securely access AS400 - not only when an agent is deployed on the device, but also through an agent-less RDP session as well. Can your SSE vendor do that?

How CIOs can stop the Great Resignation

For almost two years, IT leaders have been consumed with digital transformation efforts in the wake of COVID. With this new pressure, business leaders have needed to design a holistic strategy for the company’s IT transformation and reallocate budget and personnel towards modern cloud-based technologies. COVID not only accelerated digital transformation efforts but also permanently dispersed the workforce away from offices, away from secure data centers and networks to remote locations.

Things to Ask Your SSE Vendor: Episode 1: Does the User Experience Feel Consumer-Grade?

In this session the Axis team showcases what an SSE user experience should feel like. Whether turning an agent on, and off, and then being able to access a private resource in under two seconds. Or even the ability to go fully client-less, with no agent at all. Get ready to ask your SSE vendor about their end user experience.