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June 2021

What to Consider Before Using VDIs for Secure Access

A Virtual Desktop Infrastructure looks like a great match on paper. What’s not to like? You know where it is on Friday night, with your apps and data on your servers, not cruising the internet or making out on someone’s BYOD. It seems safe since it forces web access through the ‘house’ security stack and requires an ID check at the front door. It can be exclusively available only to users on your network via VPN, SD-WAN, or local network connection.

The SolarWinds Vulnerability

Before the ink was even dry on the SUNBURST headlines, another threat campaign ("SUPERNOVA"), run by a different threat actor, was discovered. This paper addresses the SolarWinds authentication bypass vulnerability, how SUPERNOVA exploits that vulnerability, and one way organizations can protect themselves against attacks like SUPERNOVA.