Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

November 2019

The need for SIEM in the Service Industry

Security information and event management (SIEM) combines both Security Information Management (SIM) and Security Event Management (SEM) functions into one solid system to deliver robust security to network and security devices. When employed correctly, it gives enterprises valuable insights about activities within the IT environment. Let us dive deeper into its capabilities to understand why enterprises, especially service providers need it.

The Need to Incorporate Email Security Solutions into your Cybersecurity Landscape

Did you know that 70% of worldwide email traffic is either spam or has malicious attached documents? According to reports, there is a malware attack every 40 seconds, 66% of which is downloaded content from emails attachments. These statistics alone are proof that cyber-criminals do not slow down, and in order to keep up, we need to be vigilant too.

What is SIEM? The Ultimate Guide.

Security Information and Event Management Software (SIEM) is not a new concept for business owners. The software has been in existence for over a decade, all the while making headway into developing better versions, providing comprehensive security solutions to enterprises. Initially evolving from a log management discipline, SIEM combines Security Event Management (SEM) with Security Information Management (SIM) to take the present technological form.

Address Cyber Security Risks With Automation

Despite what enterprises may like to believe, the fact is that cybersecurity is not a technology problem but an inside threat that often arises due to preventable human errors. We thus need to bring people into discussion, creating awareness among them on an individual level urging each one to act more responsibly. What we need is cybersecurity culture that thrives on automation and artificial intelligence.