Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

June 2020

How to Move from Compliance to Risk-Based Security

As technology continues to evolve, so does the potential for cybersecurity risks, and just as the technology industry is showing no signs of slowing down development, neither are cybercriminals. Unfortunately for adopters of advanced technologies, the 2020 Thales Data Threat Report – Global Edition reveals that the more digitally transformed an organization is, the more likely the company is to be breached.

How to Detect Open Ports, Protocols and Services

IT Services rely on an individual port assigned to them in order to receive and transmit information, therefore, it’s imperative that an organization keeps track of what ports are open within their IT environment, the function of the port and what services it’s associated with. Detecting and disabling unwanted ports is part of an ongoing hardening process.

Cybersecurity Threats Facing the Technology Industry

As companies face increasingly sophisticated cyber threats, they often turn to technology solutions to help protect their data and systems from attacks. But what happens when your company is in the technology industry? Cyberattacks are increasingly targeting technology companies who often store and handle significant amounts of sensitive data, including personally identifiable information and intellectual property on behalf of their customers.