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April 2020

Monthly Data Breach Round-Up: April Edition

In the midst of all of the chaos caused by the coronavirus, cybercriminals are showing no signs of slowing down their attacks. Government agencies, research organizations, healthcare providers and retailers alike are all coming under attack. Learn about some of this month’s most notable data breaches and cyber attacks in our monthly Data Breach Round-Up article series, the April edition.

Coronavirus Cybersecurity Round-Up

It’s been months since the start of the COVID-19 crisis and we’re still learning more each day about the scope of coronavirus-themed attacks through government agencies and technology companies working tirelessly to thwart off hackers. Here’s a roundup of this week’s COVID-19 related cyber-attacks and what organizations should be doing right now to help step up their cyber defenses.

Top 5 Vulnerability Management Best Practices

Reducing your attack surface requires a robust vulnerability management solution to help combat today’s most persistent and devastating cyber threats. Whether you’re a CIO, IT manager or an engineer, you probably know that Vulnerability Management is a critical element of any information security strategy.

What is the UK Cyber Essentials Certification and How Can it Help Your Organization?

Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus are UK government-backed schemes that are designed to help protect organizations against 80 percent of most common cyber-attacks. This scheme lays out five basic security controls that must be implemented in order to defend against today’s most common cyber threats. These controls are closely aligned to other notable security frameworks, including the Basic CIS Controls as well as the PCI DSS requirements.

The Problem with Cyber Security is That No One Wants to Play Defense

When I’m not fighting the good fight against the dangerous world of cyber crime, you’ll often find me out on the field coaching youth soccer. In my experience as a coach, if you ask any group of kids new to the game of soccer “who wants to be a striker?” pretty much every hand will go up.

How to Maintain and Monitor Audit Logs in the Wake of COVID-19

The coronavirus outbreak has become a real global pandemic affecting hundreds of millions of individuals and organizations across the world. Many governments have advised residents to avoid non-essential social contact and travel, a concept recently coined ‘social distancing’. For safety reasons, most organizations have also advised their employees to work remotely from home and have taken steps to allow users remote access who would not normally have the ability to do so.