Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

December 2018

Sotheby's Website Infected with Magecart for 19 Months

Sotheby’s, the popular British auction house, revealed on Friday that its website had been infected with digital skimming code. The company claims that its New York based e-commerce marketplace Sotheby’s Home, formerly known as Viyet, was affected. On October 10, 2018, the firm discovered and “promptly removed” malicious code placed onto the site by a malicious third party.

Modernizing Your Cyber Security Approach with Center for Internet Security

In early 2017, NNT assembled a panel of experts to discuss the increased importance of applying the Center for Internet Security Controls as part of a modern approach to cyber security. The session also highlighted the benefits of combining the CIS Controls with ongoing, real-time compliance monitoring.