Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Episode 3:Weaving privilege elevation controls into your access management routines

In the third episode, we will delve deep into implementing the basics of privilege elevation and delegation management (PEDM) to enforce time-limited, requirement-based access to mission-critical resources. Join us to learn more about how you can grant access permissions to your users on an all-or-nothing basis and make the most of our PAM solution to handle real-time PEDM challenges.

Top 5 Myths About API Security and What To Do Instead

Discover the top five myths about API security and learn the effective strategies for protecting your digital assets. Understand why attacks are common, the limitations of perimeter security, and the importance of a zero trust model in this comprehensive overview. Uncover the realities of API security, from the prevalence of attacks to the challenges of relying on perimeter defenses. Learn why a zero trust approach and better developer engagement are key to robust API protection.

The IT Hour | Microsoft Store Integration! 04.12.24

Josh Roland, Product Manager, joins us to talk about the latest improvement in Software Management for Windows. Join us at 11:30 am ET. The #IT Hour hosted by #JumpCloud is a #communityprogram focused on the life of #ITAdministrators. With the ever changing #ITlandscape, having community and professional networking opportunities is very valuable. You can expect from our weekly conversations.