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The Security Risks of Microsoft Bing AI Chat at this Time

AI has long since been an intriguing topic for every tech-savvy person, and the concept of AI chatbots is not entirely new. In 2023, AI chatbots will be all the world can talk about, especially after the release of ChatGPT by OpenAI. Still, there was a past when AI chatbots, specifically Bing’s AI chatbot, Sydney, managed to wreak havoc over the internet and had to be forcefully shut down.

Phishing in New Waters: Exploiting Live Chat to Deliver Malware

Phishing schemes are always evolving. This past year, email thread hijacking took phishing to new depths of subterfuge as criminals hid in plain sight within existing conversations. But no matter how well cybercriminals have refined their messaging or counterfeited legitimate logos and branding, the one constant has always been their delivery method: email. Until now. Online chat services have become a new target for cybercriminals to introduce documents loaded with malware into organizations.

Leaky Chats: Accidental Exposure and Malware in Discord Attachments

Did you know that Discord attachments are publicly accessible? Did you know that even after deleting an attachment, the link to download the file is still active? In this edition of our leaky app series, we cover how sharing attachment links in Discord can cause accidental public exposure of data. We will also look into the malware abuse case of threat actors using Discord as a malware-hosting platform.