Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Using KPIs to generate results in Cybersecurity

Gaining investment from business leaders to create a mature cybersecurity program and fund initiatives is an imperative for success in enterprise risk mitigation. All too often, security and IT organizations struggle to capture the attention of executives needed to advance their priorities and build even basic cybersecurity capabilities.

Adopt user analytics to accelerate security investigations

Machine data analytics is the process of parsing data generated by software from a wide variety of sources including servers, networks, applications and financial records. These, and many other similar sources, produce massive amounts of data including from local operating systems, identity/access management tools, cloud consoles and their associated log files, alerts, scripts and profiles.

Migrating Reports to Advanced Analytics

Learn how to import existing reports into Advanced Analytics. Netskope, the SASE leader, safely and quickly connects users directly to the internet, any application, and their infrastructure from any device, on or off the network. With CASB, SWG, and ZTNA built natively in a single platform, Netskope is fast everywhere, data-centric, and cloud smart, all while enabling good digital citizenship and providing a lower total-cost-of-ownership.

Introduction to Advanced Analytics (Part 2)

Start building dashboards and widgets using the tools in Explore - Part 2 Netskope, the SASE leader, safely and quickly connects users directly to the internet, any application, and their infrastructure from any device, on or off the network. With CASB, SWG, and ZTNA built natively in a single platform, Netskope is fast everywhere, data-centric, and cloud smart, all while enabling good digital citizenship and providing a lower total-cost-of-ownership.
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Using Predictive Analytics Capability to Resolve Critical Incidents

CloudFabrix solution provides a holistic approach for enterprises to implement proactive operations with the objective of eliminating/reducing critical incidents and improving customer satisfaction. The solution primarily relies on applying regression/forecasting models on any time-series data to detect and forecast anomalies. One of the unique features of the solution is the ability to convert unstructured data such as logs/incidents/alerts into time-series data to be used for running prediction models.

Increase SOC Effectiveness with Streaming Analytics

Operating an effective SOC requires overcoming a wide range of challenges. Often, security teams have too many disparate tools to manage, too many alerts to make sense of, and too many data sources that prevent the team from achieving full visibility. All these hurdles can make it difficult for your SOC analysts to identify and quickly respond to suspicious behavior and indicators of compromise.

A Definitive Guide to Security Analytics

Security analytics has become an increasingly popular field as more and more organizations take a different tact to cybersecurity. Historically, IT teams focused on prevention and protection, but today’s priority is detection. Hackers tend to use a wide range of ever-changing tools to exploit vulnerabilities. It can feel like whack-a-mole to constantly try to defend against evolving threats.