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Data Protection

OpenShift Security: How to Protect Your Kubernetes Environment

Kubernetes and its enterprise-level cousin, Red Hat OpenShift, have secured their spot as the platforms of choice when it comes to managing containerized applications at a large scale. However, these complex environments require maintaining top-level security. According to a recent survey, 80% of companies faced at least one cloud security incident in the past year. As OpenShift clusters grow more complex, the potential for vulnerabilities also increases, increasing the risk of exploitation.

Nightfall AI launches data encryption and sensitive data protection for emails

Did you know that 41% of breaches involve email? For threat actors, cloud email systems like Gmail and Microsoft Exchange are treasure troves for valuable internal information like PII, PCI, PHI, secrets, and credentials. In order to limit the blast radius of privilege escalation attacks, and to remain in compliance with standards like HIPAA, it’s essential for enterprises to protect thousands of emails per day.

DevOps Security - Best Data Protection Practices

DevOps has already become an integrated part of almost every industry. Whether it’s technology, automotive, healthcare, or any other industry, it’s hard to imagine an organization that doesn’t rely on DevOps. Numbers speak better: the majority of consumers are from the technology sector – 44 %, yet there are a lot of organizations from other industries that depend on DevOps – financial, education, etc.

The Complete Guide to Data Detection and Response (DDR)

In the 21st century, the lifeblood of several multi-billion dollar corporations is the data of their users they possess and how they go upon it, whether it be including new policies benefitting the users of their platform, or finding more aspects of data they can take to their advantage to increase their profit margins ever so slightly? All of the above requires data in the baseline.

The Complete Guide to AI Data Protection

In this day and age, data runs the world and the livelihood of many companies. Data has become so integral that there are many people who pay top dollar to read this data and make insights which will increase their profits by a huge amount. There are courses provided to study and understand the behemoth that is data. While it is lucrative, its sensitive content is also subject to misuse in the wrong hands.

3 Key Areas to Consider for Data Protection in Healthcare

A Zero Trust Approach to Protect Data Privacy Data protection in healthcare is critical. From the hospitals at the front line, to the insurance providers behind the scenes, all such organizations bear the dual responsibility of protecting themselves, as well as their patients. They must safeguard their data privacy, identity, security, and finances of their patients. They must also protect their own organization from costly breaches, regulatory fines, and damage to their business, reputation, and patient relationships.

Data Protection Day 2024: As Technology and Threats Evolve, Data Protection Is Paramount

Today’s cybersecurity landscape poses one of the most significant risks to data. This holds true for organizations of all sizes, across all industries, tasked with protecting their most essential data amid an increasingly regulated environment and faster, more innovative adversaries. Recent years have introduced a steady drumbeat of new data privacy regulations. There are now 14 U.S. states that have passed privacy laws.

Unveiling BDRSuite v7.0.0.U1: Elevate Your Data Protection Strategy

Uncover the New Features and Enhancements: Gain insights into the innovative features and enhancements that set BDRSuite v7.0.0.U1 apart in the realm of data protection Practical Guidance for Getting Started: Learn the smooth transition and optimal utilization of its powerful features Live Demonstration: Witness the power of BDRSuite v7.0.0.U1 through a live demonstration, providing live experience of its capabilities in action.