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PuTTY Vulnerability: CVE-2024-31497

On April 15th, Fabian Bäumer and Marcus Brinkmann of Ruhr University Bochum disclosed that PuTTY had a vulnerability that can allow an attacker to compromise private keys, then forge signatures, and log into any remote servers on which those keys are used. PuTTY is a free and open-source terminal emulator, serial console and network file transfer application that supports several network protocols, including SCP, SSH, Telnet, rlogin, serial port and raw socket connections.

Introducing UpGuard Trust Exchange

Security questionnaires represent the cornerstone of most third-party risk management (TPRM) programs. They allow organizations to responsibly appraise a vendor's security posture before they move forward with onboarding and grant the vendor access to internal systems and data. Nevertheless, most security teams feel burdened by time-consuming and lengthy security questionnaires, especially when faced with additional resource and staffing limitations.

The 11 Best User & Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) Tools

As cyber threats continue to surge and malicious insiders pose significant risks, user and entity behavior analytics (UEBA) tools have become an essential component of a comprehensive security strategy, helping organizations to detect anomalous behavior and hidden threats.

Generative AI and Cyber Security

There has been a lot of talk about Artificial Intelligence (AI) in recent years. It is certainly a polarizing subject. While it raises hopes about the future of technology and what humanity is capable of, it also raises questions around human control and technological determination. There are those who worry that Artificial Intelligence is going to ‘take people’s jobs’, or even take over the world, and that the world will end up like a dystopian ‘Terminator’ style film.

Who is affected by NIS2 and what does it mean for your compliance?

In a regulatory landscape where new national, vertical, or international regulations are published on what seems like a weekly basis, the European Commission’s NIS2 Directive stands out. This legislation, which applies to all organizations operating across the European Union, has provided legally binding measures which organizations must abide by in order to ‘boost the overall level of cybersecurity in the EU.’

The Knight in Shining Armor: Identity Security in Manufacturing Cybersecurity

In the throes of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the manufacturing sector stands at the crossroads of groundbreaking innovation and an ever-growing shadow of cyberthreats. IT modernization has created digital fortresses by transforming legacy manufacturing systems and operations into connected, smart factories – the demand for robust cybersecurity measures has never been more critical.

Prioritize vulnerability remediation with Datadog SCA

Software Composition Analysis (SCA) is the practice of identifying the open source libraries your code depends on. By using SCA, you can analyze these dependencies and determine whether they are affected by any known vulnerabilities, contain malicious code, introduce licensing risk, or are poorly maintained. SCA helps teams understand their software’s dependencies and the security implications of using them so that they can safely build on and innovate with open source code.

Harness Netskope Steering APIs for Scalable SD-WAN Deployments

In large-scale SD-WAN deployments, both enterprises and Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) place a high priority on ensuring that SD-WAN CPEs seamlessly integrate with the nearest Netskope NewEdge Network Point of Presence (PoP). Automating this integration process is crucial as it not only saves considerable time but also boosts business agility.