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Product Release

Introducing Bearer Assistant

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a hot topic these days, especially across the security industry. There's hardly a day when we don't read about its potential to create an impact on our lives, for better or worse. As a security company, we truly believe in the potential of AI, but we didn't want to jump into the deep end without careful consideration as we followed the buzz with a healthy amount of skepticism.

Kubernetes 1.29: The Security Perspective

Kubernetes 1.29 will be the last release from the Kubernetes team for 2023. The new release has 49 enhancements, with a multitude of beta and stable ones in addition to a high number of bug fixes. As Kubernetes security professionals, we explored the release to find the most notable security-centric features and improvements. This blog is tailored for those with a keen eye for security, aiming to break down how these changes will impact and enhance the security posture of Kubernetes clusters.

Snyk Apps now GA: An easy, standardized, and secure framework for building custom integrations

Snyk is excited to announce general availability of Snyk Apps, a framework for building and distributing custom security solutions to better inform security decisions and boost developer productivity. As Snyk Apps reaches this milestone, Snyk’s Technology Alliance Partnership Program (TAPP) has more than 70 members today.

Nucleus Product Update 3.9

Welcome to the Nucleus Product Update 3.9. As we approach Thanksgiving, we’d like to start by expressing our appreciation for you and the rest of the Nucleus family. Thank you for being a part of our community and contributing to our collective growth and success. We have so much to be thankful for this year, especially YOU! We hope you have a wonderful holiday celebrating all there is to be grateful for and enjoying a great meal with the people you love most.

One Identity Manager version 9.2 has been released GA

Identity Manager governs and secures your organization’s data and users, meets uptime requirements, reduces risk and satisfies compliance by giving users access to data and applications they need – and only what they need – whether on-premises, hybrid or in the cloud. Now, identity security can be driven by business needs, not by IT capabilities. With Identity Manager, you can unify security policies and satisfy governance needs — today and long into the future.