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Risk Management

Generative AI and Cyber Security

There has been a lot of talk about Artificial Intelligence (AI) in recent years. It is certainly a polarizing subject. While it raises hopes about the future of technology and what humanity is capable of, it also raises questions around human control and technological determination. There are those who worry that Artificial Intelligence is going to ‘take people’s jobs’, or even take over the world, and that the world will end up like a dystopian ‘Terminator’ style film.

Championing Supply Chain Cybersecurity Amid Evolving Regulations-A New CISO Imperative

Supply chain cybersecurity and resilience have become pivotal across various cyber regulations, most notably NIS2 and DORA. In this blog, stemming from our latest ebook '5 Proven Strategies to Maximize Supply Chain Cyber Risk Management’, we will explore the reasons why resilience is a new mandate for CISOs today and, most importantly, how to secure the supply chain at scale—in line with evolving regulatory requirements.

Behind the Screen: The Peril of Neglecting Mobile Apps

Everyone knows that running outdated computer applications comes with annoyances and risks. An outdated application might face performance issues or just become slower than modern versions. It might face compatibility issues and have limited functionalities. It might lose technical support and even fail to meet current industry standards and regulations, which could put your organization at risk for non-compliance penalties and legal action.

From Risk to Fix in a Single Click: How CultureAI Are Redefining Nudges in Cyber Security

The term 'nudge' has become a buzzword in cyber security over recent years, often being mistakenly equated with 'notifications'. CultureAI aims to shift this perception by leveraging Nudge Theory principles to implement actionable Nudges.

Cybersecurity Challenges in European Telehealth

Telehealth or telemedicine is one of the most common ways of providing healthcare services in the EU, with nearly 77% of countries adopting some type of telehealth service. Countries like Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Italy are considered some of the world’s leaders in providing telehealth services. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth became widely adopted across Europe, with many countries participating in cross-border collaboration.

Third-Party Risk Management Policy Template (Free)

Organizations commonly rely on third parties such as vendors, suppliers, and other business partners to handle critical operations. While third-party relationships can provide many benefits, they also introduce a range of risks that can threaten data security, compliance, and business continuity. Therefore, it's crucial to recognize and manage these risks with a robust Third-Party Risk Management policy.

The NIST AI Risk Management Framework: Building Trust in AI

The NIST Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework (AI RMF) is a recent framework developed by The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to guide organizations across all sectors in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and its systems. As AI continues to become implemented in nearly every sector — from healthcare to finance to national defense — it also brings new risks and concerns with it.

Vendor Risk Management Assessment Matrix (Clearly Defined)

A vendor risk management assessment matrix could enhance your visibility into vendor risk exposure, helping you make more efficient risk management decisions. In this post, explain what a vendor risk assessment matrix is, how to use it, and provide a step-by-step guide for designing your own.

Cross-Border Data Flow: The EU-US Privacy Shield's Demise

Digital advancement has drastically changed businesses' operations, including increasing global data flows. One consequential aspect of this transformation is the transfer of data across national borders, which poses significant legal, privacy, and security challenges. The EU-US Privacy Shield was a critical agreement that previously protected data transferred between the European Union and the United States.