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Securing Your Network: RPC Endpoint Mapper Authentication and Hardening

This policy setting determines if RPC clients authenticate with the Endpoint Mapper Service when their call includes authentication data. The Endpoint Mapper Service on Windows NT4 (all service packs) is unable to process authentication data provided in this manner. Disabling this policy means RPC clients won’t authenticate with the Endpoint Mapper Service, but they can still communicate with it on Windows NT4 Server. The recommended state for this setting is: Enabled.

What is the difference between an SCA scan and a container scan?

Are Software composition analysis (SCA) scans and container scans the same thing? The short answer is yes… and no. A comprehensive container image scan applies SCA specifically to containers in combination with other analyses particular to containers, such as how they’re configured to deploy and the presence of secrets. Read on to learn the key differences.

Leveraging BoxyHQ's Open-Source SSO for Greater Market Reach and Compliance: MonkeyFit

In the ever-evolving tech landscape, companies face myriad challenges in scaling, security, and compliance. MonkeyFit's journey, as detailed in a comprehensive case study, demonstrates the power of strategic solutions in overcoming such hurdles.

Integrating Calico Image Assurance (Vulnerability Management) with Azure DevOps Build Pipeline

In cloud-native software development, ensuring the supply chain security of containerized applications in Kubernetes (K8s) environments is of utmost importance. With the continuous evolution of threats, safeguarding your containerized applications at every stage is not a choice anymore; it is an absolute necessity. With Calico’s vulnerability management, you can scan container images across three pivotal application lifecycle stages: Let’s break down the scanning guardrails offered by Calico.

SQL Server Orphaned Users - An Invisible Threat: Detection and Remediation Steps

Orphaned users in SQL Server arise when a database user is associated with a login in the master database that no longer exists and should be removed. This situation can happen when the login is removed or when the database is transferred to a different server lacking the corresponding login. The SQL Server logins existing on a server instance can be seen through the sys.server_principals catalog view and the sys.sql_logins compatibility view.

DevOps Security - Best Data Protection Practices

DevOps has already become an integrated part of almost every industry. Whether it’s technology, automotive, healthcare, or any other industry, it’s hard to imagine an organization that doesn’t rely on DevOps. Numbers speak better: the majority of consumers are from the technology sector – 44 %, yet there are a lot of organizations from other industries that depend on DevOps – financial, education, etc.

JFrog + Qwak Integration Demo

Together, JFrog and Qwak instill governance, transparency, visibility, and security into every facet of the development and deployment lifecycle for ML models. From managing dependencies to ensuring compliance and optimizing storage, this integration empowers your organization to embrace the future of machine learning with confidence and efficiency. Watch this demo for an overview of the integration.

Secure Boot in Windows: A Step-by-Step Guide to Enable or Disable

Secure Boot constitutes a vital component within modern Windows servers and client devices, forming an integral aspect of the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) specification. Its primary function involves the validation of trusted software components during the boot process, thereby fortifying system security against diverse malware and unauthorized software infiltrations.

Anonymous Logon: Understanding the Security Battleground with NT Authority

Anonymous logon refers to a type of network access where a user can log in to a system or network resource without providing any authentication credentials such as a username or password. This type of access is typically granted to allow basic, unauthenticated access to certain resources for public use or for specific purposes.

Restrict clients allowed to make remote calls to SAM

The “Network access: Restrict clients allowed to make remote calls to SAM” security policy setting manages which users are permitted to view the list of users and groups stored in both the local Security Accounts Manager (SAM) database and Active Directory through remote calls. This policy setting allows you to restrict remote RPC connections to SAM. If not selected, the default security descriptor will be used.