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Data Security

The latest News and Information on Data Security including privacy, protection, and encryption.

Ensuring Microsoft 365 Data Security and Compliance with Veeam

As of 2023, Microsoft Office 365 is utilized by over a million companies globally, according to a recent Statista report. It has become an indispensable tool for organizations as they adapt to hybrid workforces and a global economy, leveraging its collaborative power and the need for a robust data protection strategy. At the core of Microsoft 365’s security framework lies the Shared Responsibility Model, delineating the responsibilities of Microsoft and organizations using their services.

4 Tips For Staying Ahead of Cybersecurity Threats in 2024

As we kick off the new year, we're excited to look back on all that we learned in 2023. This past year saw some momentous advancements, including the large-scale adoption of generative AI (GenAI). However, it also saw some devastating data breaches. According to IBM’s latest “Cost of a Data Breach” report, 95% of studied companies experienced a breach in 2023.

Australia's Six Cyber Shields and One Strategy to Rule Them All

The newly unveiled 2023-2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy (the Strategy) lays out six cyber shields to achieve the Australian Government’s goal of becoming a world leader in cyber security by 2030. It aims to substantially improve the country’s overall cyber security posture, the ability to manage cyber risks and respond to cyberattacks quickly.

AI and security: It is complicated but doesn't need to be

AI is growing in popularity and this trend is only set to continue. This is supported by Gartner which states that approximately 80% of enterprises will have used generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) application programming interfaces (APIs) or models by 2026. However, AI is a broad and ubiquitous term, and, in many instances, it covers a range of technologies. Nevertheless, AI presents breakthroughs in the ability to process logic differently which is attracting attention from businesses and consumers alike who are experimenting with various forms of AI today. At the same time, this technology is attracting similar attention from threat actors who are realising that it could be a weakness in a company's security while it could also be a tool that helps companies to identify these weaknesses and address them.

Try This Alternative to Proton Drive to Secure Your Data

As technology develops and our reliance on technology increases for education, work, or personal use grows, so does our need for privacy-focused providers to secure our data. Although numerous services are available, deciding which is right based on your needs can be challenging. However, it is crucial to subscribe to a secure service to handle your data, as more industries are becoming victims of data breaches each year.

Data Security and Privacy in Dental Technology

In the fast-evolving landscape of dental technology, prioritizing data security and privacy is paramount. As dental practices, like Elm Family Dentistry, increasingly embrace digital solutions, safeguarding sensitive information becomes a cornerstone for ensuring trust and compliance.

Empowering Security Champions with Modern Static Application Security Testing (SAST)

Over the past two decades, as organizations have increasingly strived to integrate security into their development processes, the role of Security Champions has evolved from an informal position to one of strategic importance. They are now responsible for prioritizing security in their projects, leveraging powerful tools like Static Application Security Testing (SAST) to achieve this goal.

Tokenization: Replacing Data Values One Token at a Time

What is tokenization? This method revolutionized the modern way we protect data. In today’s age, InfoSec teams can deploy keyless and reversible methods with tokens, which replace sensitive Personal Identifiable Information (PII) and store this information in both vaulted and vaultess token look-up tables. When the data is needed, it can be re-identified and accessed by the right parties, ensuring sensitive information remains protected. Watch above to learn more about this revolutionary data protection method.

Anonymization: Safeguarding Sensitive Information - Permanently

What is anonymization? InfoSec teams can utilize anonymization to irreversibly scramble sensitive data values, thereby protecting an individual’s private information. If the sensitive information can no longer be linked to an individual, businesses have a better chance of saving on audits, complying with regulatory requirements, and scaling their ability to compete – all leading to revenue increases for your bottom line.