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July 2021

CloudCasa Demo - How to Backup Kubernetes Persistent Volumes to CloudCasa

Learn how to backup Kubernetes Persistent Volumes to protect your data from ransomware attacks and for disaster recovery. Not only can CloudCasa create and manage Persistent Volume (PV) snapshots for you, but now you can backup those snapshots to our secure cloud storage as well. Just choose the “Snapshot and copy to CloudCasa” option when you create a Kubernetes backup job and you can also add this option to existing jobs by editing them.

Azure Cloud Storage, PV Backups, and Ransomware Protection with New CloudCasa Release

CloudCasa is a simple, scalable, and inexpensive cloud backup service for protecting your Kubernetes and cloud native applications. We worry about protecting your Kubernetes environment so that you don’t have to! Since the introduction of CloudCasa in November of last year, we’ve been making improvements and adding new features at a steady rate. The CloudCasa team has been very busy this spring, and we’re now pleased to announce yet another major release of new service features!