Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

March 2021

CloudCasa Demo - Persistent Volume Backup Utilizing on Amazon EKS Cluster

Watch this video to learn how to easily set up backup and recovery jobs for your persistent volumes in Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). Start by adding your clusters to the CloudCasa service and defining backup jobs for your auto-discovered resources. Select from predefined backup policies for your persistent volumes and enable CSI snapshots to establish recovery points in time. Easily select and restore cluster resources and data from your backup data sets.

Data Protection for SUSE Rancher Managed Clusters is Easy with CloudCasa

Why you Need Data Protection for Kubernetes Now that you have SUSE Rancher managing your Kubernetes applications, you need to consider how to further protect your application data. While Kubernetes is designed to provide a zero-downtime environment, service interruptions can happen, as well as human and programmatic errors and of course the dreaded ransomware and cyber-attacks.

CloudCasa Demo - How to Install the CloudCasa Agent from the SUSE Rancher Apps & Marketplace

Watch this short video to learn how to install the CloudCasa backup agent on your Rancher clusters from the Helm chart in Rancher Apps & Marketplace. Use the CloudCasa free service tier to protect your cluster resource data and create and manage snapshots of your persistent volumes, with no limits on the number of snapshots, worker nodes or clusters.