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December 2020

Appknox Year in Review 2020

Every year has defining moments, but no one could’ve expected the world-changing and paradigm-shifting developments that have taken up over the course of this year. That Include combating COVID-19, Global Warming, WFH, waves of social unrest and many more. At Appknox we have had several defining moments. We have seen substantial growth in terms of revenue, customers, region of operations and many more.

Appknox Year in Review 2020

The year 2020 began with so many promises for team Appknox. We had just ended 2020 on a high note with substantial growth in revenue, customer acquisition and regional expansion. As we looked forward charged up to blaze past 2020, the world was shocked and humbled with the sudden COVID-19 pandemic. Just like all other companies globally, Appknox was faced with tremendous pressure to act, think and evolve quickly.